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AMI 630L8L B 3550 KW ABB high voltage induction motors 745 rpm 50HZ

AMI-630L8L B-10750

AMI engineered modular induction motors provide reliability and availability in the toughest and most demanding applications.

ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l For AMI motors this catalog shows the technical data at 50 Hz only, but these motors are operating at both 50 Hz and 60 Hz, with synchronous speed from 500 to 3600 rpm. Output powers for AMI motors covered in this catalogue are up to 8,000 kW, while the complete range goes up to 23,000 kW. ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 600 r/min = 10 poles 6000 V 50 Hz 200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L10A 10249 592 9 224 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L10A 10250 592 9 250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L10A 10251 593 9 280 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L10A 10252 592 9 315 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L10A 10253 594 9 355 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L10A 10254 593 9 400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L10A 10255 592 9 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L10A 10256 592 9 500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L10A 10257 592 9 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L10A 10258 592 9 650 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L10A 10259 593 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10260 594 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10261 594 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10262 594 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10263 595 1100 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10264 595 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10265 59 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10266 59 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10267 59 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10268 59 2050 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10269 59 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10270 59 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10271 59 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10272 59 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10273 59 500 r/min = 12 poles 6000 V 50 Hz 180 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L12A 10274 494 9 200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L12A 10275 492 9 224 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L12A 10276 492 9 245 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L12A 10277 493 9 280 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L12A 10278 493 9 315 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L12A 10279 493 9 355 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L12A 10280 493 9 400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L12A 10281 493 9 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L12A 10282 494 9 500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10283 493 9 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10284 494 9 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10285 494 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10286 494 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10287 494 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10288 493 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10289 49 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10290 49 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10291 49 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10292 49 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10293 49 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10294 49 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10295 49 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10296 49 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10297 49 Engineered modular induction motors are tailormade to meet the needs of each customer and each application. Built from the motor industry’s most successful modular platform, they match a broad variety of demanding application requirements while having the flexibility to be adapted to highly specific configurations. ABB’s modular induction motors comply with all relevant international standards. Versions are available for both direct-on-line (DOL) and variable speed drive (VSD) operation. 750 r/min = 8 poles 3000 V 50 Hz 280 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10071 742 94 315 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10072 742 94 355 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10073 741 94 400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10074 742 94 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10075 741 94 500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10076 741 95 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10077 742 95 620 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10078 742 95 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10079 743 95 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10080 743 95 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10081 743 95 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10082 743 95 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10083 743 9 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10084 742 9 1200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10085 742 9 1350 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10086 743 9 1500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10087 745 9 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10088 744 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10089 743 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10090 744 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10091 744 2900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10092 746 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10093 744 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10094 745 4000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10095 746 4200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10096 746 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 1000 r/min = 6 poles 6000 V 50 Hz 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10200 988 94 500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10201 989 94 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10202 989 94 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10203 989 94 750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10204 991 95 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10205 991 95 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10206 991 95 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10207 991 9 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10208 991 9 1280 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10209 993 9 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10210 992 9 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10211 992 9 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10212 993 9 2050 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10213 994 9 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10214 992 2550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10215 992 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10216 993 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10217 993 3350 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10218 994 3700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10219 994 4150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10220 993 4500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10221 994 4750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10222 994 5150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10223 995 5600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10224 995 750 r/min = 8 poles 6000 V 50 Hz 280 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10225 742 94 315 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10226 742 94 355 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10227 741 94 400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10228 742 94 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10229 741 94 530 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L8A 10230 742 94 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10231 741 94 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10232 743 95 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10233 743 95 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10234 743 95 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L8A 10235 742 95 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10236 744 9 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10237 744 9 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10238 745 9 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10239 745 9 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10240 744 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10241 745 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10242 745 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10243 745 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10244 745 2750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10245 746 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10246 745 3500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10247 746 3900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10248 746 AMI modular induction motors have a welded steel frame. They are available with the following cooling methods and protection types as standard: IC01/IP24W, IC611/IP55 and IC81W/IP55. The standard shaft heights are 400 to 630 mm. The motors can be mounted horizontally or vertically. 3000 r/min = 2 poles 3000 V 50 Hz 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10000 2976 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10001 2974 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10002 2974 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10003 2975 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10004 2976 1170 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10005 2975 1200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10006 2979 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10007 2970 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10008 2973 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10009 2976 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10010 2978 1900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10011 2985 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10012 2977 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10013 2979 2650 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10014 2981 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10015 2987 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10016 297 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10017 298 4000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10018 298 4200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10019 298 4500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10020 298 5000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10021 298 5600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10022 298 6200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10023 298 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 1500 r/min = 4 poles 3000 V 50 Hz 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10024 1482 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10025 1484 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10026 1486 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10027 1486 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10028 1486 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10029 1486 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10030 1486 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10031 1487 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10032 1487 1750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10033 1489 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10034 1489 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10035 1490 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10036 1490 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10037 1490 2750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10038 1491 3250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10039 149 3750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10040 149 4250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10041 149 4750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10042 149 5000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10043 148 5600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10044 149 6100 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10045 149 7100 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10046 149 1000 r/min = 6 poles 3000 V 50 Hz 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10047 988 94 500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10048 987 94 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10049 988 94 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10050 988 94 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10051 989 95 830 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L6A 10052 990 95 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10053 990 95 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10054 990 9 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10055 991 9 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10056 991 9 1380 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10057 992 9 1500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10058 991 9 1700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10059 992 9 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10060 993 9 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10061 993 9 2250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10062 994 9 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10063 992 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10064 993 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10065 994 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10066 993 3900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10067 994 4500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10068 993 5000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10069 994 5700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10070 994 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 3000 r/min = 2 poles 10000 V 50 H 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10298 2973 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10299 2973 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10300 2975 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10301 2978 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10302 2980 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10303 2980 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10304 2982 1280 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10305 2989 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10306 2980 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10307 2981 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10308 2982 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10309 2982 2150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10310 2984 2200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10311 2990 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10312 298 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10313 298 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10314 298 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10315 298 4000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10317 298 4400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10318 298 4800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10319 298 5150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10320 298 1500 r/min = 4 poles 10000 V 50 H 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10321 1486 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10322 1484 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10323 1487 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10324 1486 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10325 1486 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10326 1487 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10327 1489 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10328 1491 2100 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10329 1493 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10330 148 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10331 149 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10332 149 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10333 149 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10334 149 3900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10335 149 4500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10336 149 5000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10337 149 5400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10338 149 5900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10339 149 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 1000 r/min = 6 poles 10000 V 50 H 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10340 989 94 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10341 989 94 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10342 989 94 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10343 989 94 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10344 990 95 980 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L6A 10345 992 95 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10346 994 9 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10347 994 9 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10348 994 9 1500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L6A 10349 994 9 1750 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10350 992 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10351 992 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10352 993 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10353 994 2850 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L6A B 10354 995 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10355 993 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10356 993 4000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10357 993 4500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10358 994 4900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L6A B 10359 995 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l Modular induction motors, type AMI Type designation The type designation of the AMI motor follows the coding principle shown below. Example: AMI 450L4A BATH 1 AM General type designations 2 I Indicates the type of motor, A, I = SCIM, K, L = WRIM 3 450 Shaft centre height in mm; 355, 400, 450, 500, 560, 630 4 L Frame length, S = small, M = medium or L = long 5 4 Number of poles 6 A Stands for the IC/IP combination A = IC611 / IP54 (55) [TEAAC] air-to-air cooled D = IC01 / IP23 [WP I] open ("drip proof") L = IC81W / IP54 (55) [TEWAC] air-to-water cooled P = IC11, 21, 31 / IP23, 54, (55) [OPV, TEPV] pipe ventilated W = IC01 / IPW24 [WP II] weather protected 7 B Mounting arrangement, B = IM1001 (horizontal), V = IM4011 (vertical) 8 A Bearing type, A = antifriction, S = sleeve 9 T Indication of special construction T = separate ventilation M = marine application Y = mechanically special F = frequency converter drive X = electrically special Z = special material specs 10 H Location of manufacture ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 750 r/min = 8 poles 690 V 50 Hz 280 AMI 400L8W 19056 739 95.0 315 AMI 400L8W 19057 739 95.0 355 AMI 400L8W 19058 737 94.7 400 AMI 400L8W 19059 738 95.1 450 AMI 400L8W 19060 737 94.8 500 AMI 400L8W 19061 737 94.9 560 AMI 400L8W 19062 739 95.3 630 AMI 400L8W 19063 741 95.4 710 AMI 400L8W 19064 739 95.2 800 AMI 450L8W 19065 740 95.6 900 AMI 450L8W 19066 738 95.3 1000 AMI 450L8W 19067 739 95.6 1120 AMI 500L8W 16171 742 96.0 1250 AMI 500L8W 16172 742 96.0 1400 AMI 500L8W 16173 742 96.1 1600 AMI 500L8W 16174 742 96.1 600 r/min = 10 poles 690 V 50 H 224 AMI 400L10W 16183 592 94.2 250 AMI 400L10W 16184 592 94.4 280 AMI 400L10W 16185 593 94.5 315 AMI 400L10W 16186 593 94.7 355 AMI 400L10W 16187 592 94.7 400 AMI 400L10W 16188 592 94.6 450 AMI 400L10W 16189 592 94.7 500 AMI 450L10W 16190 592 95.3 560 AMI 450L10W 16191 592 95.2 630 AMI 450L10W 16192 592 95.3 710 AMI 500L10W 16193 593 95.6 800 AMI 500L10W 16194 593 95.6 900 AMI 500L10W 16195 592 95.8 1000 AMI 500L10W 16196 593 95.9 1120 AMI 500L10W 16197 593 95.9 500 r/min = 12 poles 690 V 50 H 160 AMI 400L12W 16198 492 92.7 180 AMI 400L12W 16199 492 92.9 200 AMI 400L12W 16200 492 93.0 224 AMI 400L12W 16201 492 93.4 250 AMI 400L12W 16202 493 93.4 280 AMI 400L12W 16203 493 93.5 315 AMI 400L12W 16204 494 93.7 355 AMI 450L12W 16205 493 94.7 400 AMI 450L12W 16206 493 94.9 450 AMI 450L12W 16207 493 94.9 500 AMI 450L12W 16208 493 95.0 630 AMI 500L12W 16209 494 95.3 710 AMI 500L12W 16210 494 95.5 800 AMI 500L12W 16211 494 95.4 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l Standard combinations for AMI motors: IC01 / IP24 This weather protected motor has a shaft mounted cooling fan inside the housing. The design of the motor reduces the ingress of rain, snow and airborne particles into the electrical parts. On the air intake path this is achieved by ensuring that the average velocity does not exceed 3 m/s, allowing any heavier particles to settle. The design of the air intake path includes three acute direction changes in excess of 90 degrees to further reduce the flow rate to the optimal level. The motor is protected against splashing water from any direction. 750 r/min = 8 poles 10000 V 50 Hz 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10360 743 94 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10361 742 94 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10362 743 94 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10363 743 94 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10364 745 9 1100 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L8A 10365 745 9 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10366 744 1500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10367 744 1700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10368 744 1900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10369 744 2120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10370 745 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L8A B 10371 745 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10372 746 2800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10373 746 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10374 746 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L8A B 10375 746 600 r/min = 10 poles 10000 V 50 H 530 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10376 593 9 600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10377 595 9 650 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10378 595 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10379 595 9 770 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L10A 10380 595 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10381 593 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10382 59 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10383 59 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10384 59 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10385 59 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10386 59 1700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L10A B 10387 59 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10388 59 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10389 59 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10390 59 2600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L10A B 10391 59 500 r/min = 12 poles 10000 V 50 H 355 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10392 494 9 400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10393 494 9 450 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10394 495 9 500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10395 495 9 560 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L12A 10396 494 9 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10397 493 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10398 493 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10399 493 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10400 495 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10401 49 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10402 49 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L12A B 10403 49 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10404 49 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10405 49 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10406 49 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L12A B 10407 49 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l IC611 / IP55 This design has an air-to-air heat exchanger mounted on the motor, which is fully enclosed. Shaft mounted fans are fitted both inside and outside of the casing to supply the inside and outside cooling circuits respectively. The motor is protected against dust and splashing water from any direction. IC81W / IP55 This fully enclosed motor is fitted with an air-to-water heat exchanger. A shaft mounted fan is fitted inside the casing to supply the internal cooling circuit. The motor is protected against dust and splashing water from any direction. The terminal boxes have a protection rating of at least IP55. ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l 3000 r/min = 2 poles 6000 V 50 Hz 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10149 2975 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10150 2972 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10151 2971 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10152 2976 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10153 2975 1150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L2A 10155 2984 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10156 2977 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10157 2979 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10158 2980 1700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10159 2981 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L2A 10160 2988 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10161 2982 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10162 2982 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10163 2982 2360 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10164 2983 2600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10165 2984 2700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L2A 10166 2989 2900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10167 297 3300 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10168 298 3700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10169 298 4200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10170 298 4550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L2A B 10171 298 4800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10172 298 5200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10173 298 5600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10174 298 6200 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L2A B 10175 299 1500 r/min = 4 poles 6000 V 50 Hz 630 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10176 1486 9 710 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10177 1485 9 800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10178 1486 9 900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10179 1487 9 1000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10180 1486 1100 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 400L4A 10181 1487 1120 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10182 1488 1250 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10183 1488 1400 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10184 1489 1600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10185 1488 1720 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 450L4A 10186 1490 1800 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10187 1491 2000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10188 1491 2240 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10189 1490 2500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10190 1492 2700 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 500L4A 10191 1493 3150 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10192 149 3550 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10193 149 4000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10194 149 4500 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 560L4A B 10195 149 5000 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10196 149 5600 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10197 149 6300 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10198 149 6900 KW ABB high voltage motors AMI 630L4A B 10199 149 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l IC31 / IP55 This version is fitted with inlet and outlet pipes to use remote cooling air. Essentially this is the AMI motor frame without an upper cover. The motor is protected against dust and splashing water from any direction. IC01 IC01 with asymmetric inside air circulation. IP24W, IC01, insulation class F, temperature rise class B 690 V, 50 Hz 3000 r/min = 2 poles 690 V 50 Hz 630 KW AMI 400L2W 19038 2981 96.2 710 KW AMI 400L2W 19039 2978 96.2 800 KW AMI 400L2W 19040 2974 96.0 900 KW AMI 400L2W 19041 2980 96.5 1000 KW AMI 400L2W 19042 2977 96.5 1200 KW AMI 400L2W 16117 2974 96.3 1400 KW AMI 450L2W 16118 2976 96.5 1600 KW AMI 450L2W 16119 2977 96.7 1800 KW AMI 500L2W 16120 2981 96.6 2000 KW AMI 500L2W 16121 2979 96.8 2240 KW AMI 500L2W 16122 2982 97.0 2500 KW AMI 500L2W 16123 2983 97.1 1500 r/min = 4 poles 690 V 50 Hz 630 KW AMI 400L4W 19043 1487 96.0 710 KW AMI 400L4W 19044 1486 96.0 800 KW AMI 400L4W 19045 1485 96.1 900 KW AMI 400L4W 19046 1484 96.0 1000 KW AMI 400L4W 19047 1484 96.2 1120 KW AMI 400L4W 16128 1484 96.1 1250 KW AMI 400L4W 16129 1484 96.0 1300 KW AMI 400L4W 16130 1483 96.0 1600 KW AMI 450L4W 16131 1487 96.2 1800 KW AMI 450L4W 16132 1488 96.5 2000 KW AMI 450L4W 16133 1486 96.3 2240 KW AMI 500L4W 16134 1489 96.4 2500 KW AMI 500L4W 16135 1490 96.8 1000 r/min = 6 poles 690 V 50 Hz 450 KW AMI 400L6W 19048 990 95.8 9 500 KW AMI 400L6W 19049 991 95.8 9 560 KW AMI 400L6W 19050 990 95.8 9 630 KW AMI 400L6W 19051 990 95.8 9 710 KW AMI 400L6W 19052 990 95.8 9 800 KW AMI 400L6W 19053 989 95.8 9 900 KW AMI 400L6W 19054 988 95.8 9 1000 KW AMI 400L6W 19055 988 95.8 1120 KW AMI 450L6W 16147 988 95.9 9 1250 KW AMI 450L6W 16148 989 96.1 9 1400 KW AMI 450L6W 16149 989 96.1 9 1600 KW AMI 450L6W 16150 989 96.3 9 1800 KW AMI 500L6W 16151 991 96.4 9 2000 KW AMI 500L6W 16152 991 96.6 9 2240 KW AMI 500L6W 16153 991 96.5 9 ABB High voltage motor ABB AMI motor Catalogue Data Sheet AMI 450 630 500l
More Information
Type AMI
Voltage Class 6000 V
Feature Engineered Modular Induction Motors
Motor Rotor Type 3-Phase squirrel cage motor
Enclosure Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
IE Class Data IE2
Motor Power (KW) 3550 KW
Number of Poles 8
IP Rating IP55
Mounting Position IM B3
Frame Type IEC
Frame Size 630L8L B
Motor Body Material Welded Steel
Insulation Class F
Brand ABB
Country of Manufacture China
Catalogue Download ABB High voltage motor catalogue pdf

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